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Terry M. Goode [5]Terry Michael Goode [1]
  1.  81
    How Do We Learn from Argument?: Toward an Account of the Logic of Problems.Terry M. Goode & John R. Wettersten - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):673-689.
    From the pre-Socratics to the present, one primary aim of philosophy has been to learn from arguments. Philosophers have debated whether we could indeed do this, but they have by and large agreed on how we would use arguments if learning from argument was at all possible. They have agreed that we could learn from arguments either by starting with true premises and validly deducing further statements which must also be true and therefore constitute new knowledge, or that we could (...)
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    Comments on Richard Jeffrey.Terry M. Goode - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):135 - 138.
    In this commentary, after first summarizing the three major theses of Jeffrey's paper Probability and Falsification: Critique of the Popper Program, and sketching out what I take to be his central argument, I criticize Jeffrey on two grounds. The first is that he has failed to explain why his version of Bayesianism provides us with better theories upon which to make decisions; the second is that he has offered a theory about decision-making that by-passes the important question: How can we (...)
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    Explanation, expansion, and the aims of historians: Toward an alternative account of historical explanation.Terry M. Goode - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (4):367-384.
  4.  60
    Editorial introduction.Terry M. Goode, Barry M. Loewer, Roger D. Rosenkrantz & John R. Wettersten - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):1-1.
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    Book reviews : The logic of society. By Laird Addis. Minneapolis: University of minnesota press, 1975. Pp. IX + 226. $12.50. [REVIEW]Terry M. Goode - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (3):312-315.